Wednesday, September 24, 2014

2 months!

Jay turned two months old on the 17th!

He started the day with a check up appointment and had to get three shots. Bless his heart... I have always heard it's worse on the mommy, and I didn't believe it until that appointment. Overall, everything looks good. He's up to 14lbs. 8oz. and still measures 24in. long. The doctor informed us that Jay has "torticollis" which is basically a crick in the neck. In Jay's case, he favors tilting his head to the left, so we will go to a physical therapist to learn stretches that will help strengthen those neck muscles.

In other news, Jay has definitely started interacting with us more this month, and his smiles just make me melt! He loves to look at fans and lights, and of course eat and be held :) We downloaded a "white noise" app on our phones, and it's magic! We especially like to use it when Jay is getting fussy in his car seat. It calms him right down!


  1. E had torticollis, too. We went to PT for a little over a month. She said most babies grow out of it by a year, :)

  2. I love hearing all of these updates and I can't believe I haven't met Jay yet. It's killing me! We're going home this weekend and maybe we could stop by on Sunday? Hope y'all are doing well. I miss y'all so much!

