Wednesday, August 20, 2014

1 month!

how is it that we have a one month old?! it seems like we were just bringing jay home from the hospital.

this past month has been overwhelming and hard at times, but has brought us more joy and love than we ever thought possible. It has truly been the best month of our lives!

Our baby boy weighs 12 lbs. 5 oz. and is 24 inches long! Needless to say... He is our "big" little man! 

Jay loves to eat and cuddle... I seriously could snuggle him all day! He is also becoming more alert throughout the day. During tummy time, he will kick his legs and turn his head from side to side. He's a pretty content baby, but will let you know when he is tired and hungry! :) 

We are so blessed! 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

jay's newborn pictures...

... thought i'd share a few of our favorites from jay's newborn photo shoot :) 

thanks to my parents for this timeless gift and to jana candler for taking these beautiful photos!

Friday, August 15, 2014

birth story part 2.

at about 4am on wednesday, july 16th we were moved to labor and delivery. 

i'm ready! (and feeling much better once having the epidural!)

this cup was constantly filled with ice chips throughout the day... 

finally, sometime in the early morning hours of thursday, the 17th, i began pushing. after about an hour- with not much luck or progress, it was decided that i would have a c-section. i was okay with this, seeing as it was a possibility all along, and after 24 hours of waiting, i just wanted to have my baby! :)

so, at 5:42 am, Jay Nichols entered the world!

so thankful for this precious gift! :)

Sunday, August 3, 2014

jay's birth story...

at my 40 week doctor's appointment, we decided that if jay did not come on his own, i'd be induced. so, on tuesday, july 15th, kevin and i headed to the hospital to have our son!

here is my final "belly" picture... as we are leaving for the hospital. whoa! :)

we decided to eat our "last meal" at jason's deli in greenville...

then, it was on to the hospital at 6pm to get checked in!

this was the first room we were taken to and where we spent tuesday night.
i was given cytotec in order to prepare me for pitocin.
i was a little nervous since i've never been admitted to a hospital before, but the nurses were very understanding and explained everything that would be happening.

and the waiting began...

to be continued...