Saturday, April 26, 2014

first shower!

this past thursday, the kindergarten team at school hosted our first baby shower! the theme was "children's books," and everything was SO cute... and yummy! all the food went along with a children's book, and each table was decorated according to a book as well.

some of the hostesses/kindergarten team...

instead of bringing a card, everyone was encouraged to bring/sign a book to help build jay's library. he got some great books!! some classics... and some new stories. i can't wait for us to read these to our sweet baby!

one of the most special books we received was from my principal. each year on the day we get out for Christmas break, he reads the The Polar Express to the entire school. this year he is retiring, so he passed on his personal copy of The Polar Express to baby jay! i can't wait to tell jay this story and begin our own tradition of reading this classic together!

i'm so thankful for the memories made! we are so blessed!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

happy Easter!

we were blessed to be able to spend time with my parents, paul, whitney, and hudson over the Easter weekend! we hung out at my parents' house in anderson on saturday, went to church together on sunday, and ate a yummy lunch at sullivans afterwards! sunday evening, we met kevin's parents for dinner at copper river.

i am so thankful for family time, and cannot wait until baby jay joins in on our family time in just a couple of months! :) 

most importantly, i'm thankful for a risen Savior! praise Him! 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

hello third trimester!

it's hard to believe that we are down to the last 3 months (+/-) of this pregnancy! we are getting so excited about meeting our little guy! here are some highlights from the last post :) 

our trip to the masters! 

nursery closet organizing... nesting has definitely set in ;)

glucose test- check... now, just waiting on the results.
for the record, i was way more nervous than i should have been! the drink actually tasted pretty good, and giving blood wasn't bad either. Thank you, Jesus! 

i was told that one day, i would look down and not be able to see my feet... 
that time has come. 

finally, here is our sweet baby jay at 28 weeks! 

he is 2 pounds and looking to be a big boy!
we are continuing to thank the Lord for our blessing, and we pray that God will continue to knit him together into the little boy he has been created to be.

Monday, April 7, 2014

26 weeks.

Size of the Baby: the length of a green onion (according to baby center) 

Movement: oh yes! i love feeling his little kicks! 

Weight Gain: 20 lbs

Symptoms: some lower back pain, but that's about it

Sleep: besides waking up quite frequently to turn from side to side, not too bad...

Cravings: i'm not really craving anything specific.. everything sounds good :) 

What I Miss: being able to fit into my regular clothes, although i am thankful for the warmer weather which allows me to wear stretchy skirts and dresses! 

A couple highlights from the past week...

Hospital Tour-
it was interesting to see the different rooms and "sections" we'll be occupying in a few months... especially, for this girl who has never been admitted to a hospital before! 

Nursery Progress-
Kevin and my dad painted the nursery this week! i'm so happy with how it turned out and cannot wait to get the rest of the furniture in and finish decorating!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

pregnancy bliss.

i'm so thankful that i can truly say, i'm loving being pregnant! 

don't get me wrong, even though i haven't been sick at all, there have been some challenges... finding things to fit my growing belly, lower back pain, frequent trips to the bathroom, shortness of breath, and restless nights...

but, honestly, i wouldn't trade places with anyone right now. 

especially, when i feel my baby boy kicking! (which i do believe is my favorite part!) 

kevin and i prayed long and hard for this child, and each day i am overwhelmed with gratitude that our gracious Lord answered our prayers. i cannot wait to meet baby jay, and until then i'll continue thanking the Lord for this awesome miracle he has blessed us with. :)