Tuesday, March 25, 2014

week 24 highlights.

--Mom and I met Dad for lunch, and then went to the Spartanburg Switcharoos children's consignment sale where we got some cute clothes for Baby Jay... and a diaper genie. 

--The crib bedding was ordered, and we went with Kevin's mom to pick up the crib mattress, changing table pad, covers, etc. I can't wait to begin working on the nursery!

--Baby Jay attended his first Clemson baseball game! ...although we are already looking forward to next year when he'll be able to enjoy it outside the womb ;) 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

the bump progression.

Before becoming pregnant, I had big plans about taking "bump" pictures each week. 
However, after teaching 5 and 6 year olds all day, the only thing I wanted to do when I got home was put on my "comfy" clothes and take a nap... meaning bump pictures during the first half of my pregnancy just did not happen that often. 

Nonetheless, here's what I have so far... 

I've really "blossomed" the past couple of weeks it seems, but the doctor assures me I'm right on track :)

Friday, March 21, 2014

catching up.

I admit, I haven't been good at tracking this pregnancy at all! But, I'm going to try and be more intentional so that after Baby Jay makes his arrival, I can look back and reflect over my "pregnant days." 

20 weeks... Gender Reveal! 

 Kevin and I both went to the appointment anxious to find out if we were having a boy or girl! The ultrasound tech had to push around a little bit to get the little stinker to "loosen up," but it wasn't long until we realized it's a boy! To be honest, I don't think it's what either of us expected, but we know that the Lord has created this precious little boy just for our family, and we couldn't be more thankful! After our appointment, Kevin went to work, and I met up with some girls from work to go to Babies R Us. They were so helpful with tips about registering for the "basics." 

Our appointment was on a Thursday, and on the following Saturday we hosted a little gender reveal party at our house. It was so much fun sharing this exciting news with our loved ones! 

... and just a little side note about week 20... It was this week that I had my first cup of coffee! I consider that a pretty big deal since I'm known to drink coffee every morning and then gave it up when I found out I was pregnant!