Monday, November 17, 2014

4 months!

Jay is 4 months old!

He is 26 3/4 in long and weighs 18 lbs 13 oz so needless to say, he's a growing boy! 

Jay is such a happy and content baby! He is interacting with people and toys more and more these days. It's so fun to see his different expressions as he tries to figure out things around him. He likes to play in his jump-a-roo and can sit in his Bumbo seat with minimal support. 

Towards the end of October, Mommy went back to school, and Jay started "play school!" Here is our first day picture :)

This little munchkin dressed up as a lion for Halloween! We didn't really trick or treat... Just made our rounds visiting family. 

Jay is such a precious gift! We are so blessed! It's hard to imagine what our family was like without him! 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

3 months!

Happy 3 months to our little man! 

....believe it or not, I started this post a few weeks ago when Jay first turned 3 months, but life happened, and i am just now getting around to finishing it. 

I'm loving this stage Jay is in right now. He is so alert and active. He is looking around more, and interacting/"talking" with those around him. He has discovered his tongue and likes to smack his lips! He is doing a great job gaining more head control and can roll over from tummy to back. 

Mommy and Jay getting ready for the Clemson game! 

Family trip to Sky Top Apple Orchard

We have started a bedtime routine, and Jay has started sleeping in his crib at night!

I can't believe Jay is almost 4 months old! He is growing so fast :) 
We are so blessed!