i went to the doctor yesterday for my 39 week appointment... jay is measuring 8 lb. 1 oz.!
everything looks good, even though i haven't made much progress since last week. so, if nothing happens between now and then, i will go back to the doctor on tuesday, and possibly schedule an induction for wednesday (or friday) of next week.
if you know me at all, you know that i love to have a plan... i thrive off of to-do lists and structure... which sometimes drives kevin crazy! but, i've been claiming the above verse for the past few weeks. of course i would like for jay to come on his own, but ultimately, i know that the Lord's plan is best, and i just need to trust Him. :)
this is another verse i'm claiming.... i know the Lord has brought us to this place, and we are so thankful! ...my prayer is that i won't be worried or afraid of the unknown over the next week, but that i will rely on the Lord's strength in all things!