Wednesday, May 28, 2014


happy 34 weeks!

(excuse the look of tiredness... i can't seem to get rid of it these days!) 

time seems to be flying, which is good and "nerve-wracking"... good because we cannot wait to meet our baby boy, but somewhat "nerve-wracking" because i feel like we have so much more to do! nevertheless, God is good, and i know that he will order these next 6 weeks :) 

here are some quick updates...

we've made a lot of progress in the nursery! we had the crib and changing table painted, which turned out great!! we got the bookshelves and monogram above the crib hung. now, we are just waiting on a few final pieces, and everything will be set!

i'm so happy with how the nursery is turning out! i love just going in there, and thinking/praying about our lives with baby Jay! can.not.wait.

bring the ocd person that i am, i've been reading all that i can... even though, i'm not sure if we will be completely prepared until we actually bring him home. :) 

i've also started getting stuff together (mainly baby stuff!) to take to the hospital... and i'll be honest, it's kind of surreal! 

if i'm not focused on doing baby stuff these days, i'm working on maternity leave plans... my goal is to get everything complete by the end of the school year (7 more days!) so i don't have to worry about much of anything school related over the summer. we'll see how that goes. :)

Sunday, May 4, 2014

30 weeks!

Size of the Baby: jay is about the size of a head of cabbage. 

Movement: he's still in there moving about :) 

Weight Gain: 27 lbs.

Symptoms: i'm definitely taking more frequent trips to the restroom! 

Sleep: about the same...

Cravings: lately, it's been ice cream! 

What I Miss: with the end of the school year upon us, i'm definitely missing diet coke! 

Highlights from this week...

Doctor's Appointment-
i passed my glucose test! praise the Lord! this week was just a routine check, and everything measured right on track. :)

Nursery Progress-
we used some monetary gifts/gift cards to purchase a swivel glider, and it was delivered this week! i foresee many snuggles happening here! 

my mom helped me wash/iron and organize some of the gifts we've received so far (thank you, mom!)... it was so fun going through all the sweet little boy things :) 

Daddy Duties-
kevin has become quite the painter over the past couple of weeks! he has worked so hard to prime/paint various things we're putting in the nursery! i can't wait until they are dry and able to put up! more nursery pictures to come... :)