Monday, December 29, 2014

5 months!

It's hard to believe Jay is already 5 months old!
He is such a joy, and we fall in love with him more and more each day!

Some highlights from the past month would be... Jay celebrated his first Thanksgiving, he had his first cold, and he is sleeping through the night! He will reach for and grasp objects, and can "jump" in his jump-a-roo now that his toes touch the floor. Jay still enjoys eating and can recognize and help hold his bottle. He enjoys bath time, riding in the car, and snuggle time... which this mommy just loves! :) He is becoming much more vocal and spends most of his time chewing whatever he can get in his mouth.


Monday, November 17, 2014

4 months!

Jay is 4 months old!

He is 26 3/4 in long and weighs 18 lbs 13 oz so needless to say, he's a growing boy! 

Jay is such a happy and content baby! He is interacting with people and toys more and more these days. It's so fun to see his different expressions as he tries to figure out things around him. He likes to play in his jump-a-roo and can sit in his Bumbo seat with minimal support. 

Towards the end of October, Mommy went back to school, and Jay started "play school!" Here is our first day picture :)

This little munchkin dressed up as a lion for Halloween! We didn't really trick or treat... Just made our rounds visiting family. 

Jay is such a precious gift! We are so blessed! It's hard to imagine what our family was like without him! 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

3 months!

Happy 3 months to our little man! 

....believe it or not, I started this post a few weeks ago when Jay first turned 3 months, but life happened, and i am just now getting around to finishing it. 

I'm loving this stage Jay is in right now. He is so alert and active. He is looking around more, and interacting/"talking" with those around him. He has discovered his tongue and likes to smack his lips! He is doing a great job gaining more head control and can roll over from tummy to back. 

Mommy and Jay getting ready for the Clemson game! 

Family trip to Sky Top Apple Orchard

We have started a bedtime routine, and Jay has started sleeping in his crib at night!

I can't believe Jay is almost 4 months old! He is growing so fast :) 
We are so blessed! 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

2 months!

Jay turned two months old on the 17th!

He started the day with a check up appointment and had to get three shots. Bless his heart... I have always heard it's worse on the mommy, and I didn't believe it until that appointment. Overall, everything looks good. He's up to 14lbs. 8oz. and still measures 24in. long. The doctor informed us that Jay has "torticollis" which is basically a crick in the neck. In Jay's case, he favors tilting his head to the left, so we will go to a physical therapist to learn stretches that will help strengthen those neck muscles.

In other news, Jay has definitely started interacting with us more this month, and his smiles just make me melt! He loves to look at fans and lights, and of course eat and be held :) We downloaded a "white noise" app on our phones, and it's magic! We especially like to use it when Jay is getting fussy in his car seat. It calms him right down!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

life with jay...

i am loving being on maternity leave with Jay! some days we venture out, and some we are just content to stay at home.. either way, we make the most of our time together :) 

activity time.

stroller and car seat rides.

lots of cuddle time. 

...and even a little bit of fussy times :)

no matter what, I love time spent with my little man! 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

1 month!

how is it that we have a one month old?! it seems like we were just bringing jay home from the hospital.

this past month has been overwhelming and hard at times, but has brought us more joy and love than we ever thought possible. It has truly been the best month of our lives!

Our baby boy weighs 12 lbs. 5 oz. and is 24 inches long! Needless to say... He is our "big" little man! 

Jay loves to eat and cuddle... I seriously could snuggle him all day! He is also becoming more alert throughout the day. During tummy time, he will kick his legs and turn his head from side to side. He's a pretty content baby, but will let you know when he is tired and hungry! :) 

We are so blessed! 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

jay's newborn pictures...

... thought i'd share a few of our favorites from jay's newborn photo shoot :) 

thanks to my parents for this timeless gift and to jana candler for taking these beautiful photos!